Tuesday, July 12, 2005

So I made another blog, though I don't even keep up the last one that much really . . . Why?

Well, the other one seemed a bit disjointed, with journal-like entries tossed in there with random articles. So, the random articles will go here, for the few people who like to read them.

The articles will mostly be industrial safety and also health and wellness based, from my summer 2003 job at a mill. I was the general H&S assistant (propperly thought of as the doer of bitchwork for the whole department). Fortunately it was a small department, so I only had three bosses. One of them was alright, one of them was great, and one of them was barely there at all. I mean physically. The alright one was the one that wasn't really there mentally. Anyways, s/he was the most amusing.

After that, I will have some articles written from this summer (2005), as a mill tour guide.

I will probably find some stuff from school written in the last few years, and possibly even some really dumb stuff from high school. Seriously, I don't know how teenagers make it to their twenties even . . . if they aren't doing totally dangerous stupid stuff, they do other stuff that is so idiotic to look back on . . . it's a good thing teenagers are generally so caught up in everything at the time that they don't die of embarassment. I have this really great poem from grade 9 . . . yeah, that's going up on the personal page. Anyone who was going to take any of my articles seriously would totally forget that idea if they saw any of that shite.


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